Maru defends SEZ policy

Minister for International Trade and Investment, Richard Maru is reemphasizing the national Government’s policy of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) stating that it is a signature policy of the Marape-Rosso government.

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Blind Freddie sees what governments cannot | The Spectator | Mrs Gina Rinehart AO

We need policies that help Australians. We need policies that make investment in our country worthwhile. If we have any interest in maintaining our living standards we should be doing what other countries do and roll out the red carpet for investment. Expensive government-funded trade trips and trade personnel located overseas are a waste of money unless governments cut the costs and delays caused by government red tape. And Blind Freddie can see that the forcing the overburdened taxpayer to fund lawfare does nothing to encourage investment.

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Don’t Dump Mining Money

In the State Budget, royalties contributed over $12bn in 2022-23. Mining represents around one-third of State Government revenue. Federally, ATO data reveals that the mining industry contributes more than $40bn in company tax — around 5 per cent of ALL company tax paid in Australia in the 2021-22 financial year. This remarkable contribution should not just be seen in terms of abstract numbers. Mining not only represents jobs and growing wealth, it also represent money for schools and hospitals, defence funding, investment in new roads and other infrastructure, and on and on.

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‘Greatest Australian woman’: Ian Plimer praises Gina Rinehart

Geologist Ian Plimer has praised mining billionaire Gina Rinehart, saying she “doesn’t get enough credit” in Australia. Mr Plimer told Sky News Australia that Ms Rinehart is “the greatest Australian woman” the country has ever produced. “She did it herself, she didn’t inherit anything,” she said. “She’s built a huge private company, the biggest private company in Australia. “She should be honoured for employing so many people and for paying such a huge amount of tax.”

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What we can all learn from Blind Freddie

This is an edited extract of Gina Rinehart’s speech to The Australian Financial Review Business Person of the Year awards on December 14. We need policy that helps Australians. We need policies that make investment in our country worth doing. If we have any interest in maintaining our standards of living, we should be doing what other countries are doing. Rolling out the red carpet for investment. Expensive trade trips, even the expense of trade personnel overseas, well – without cutting the cost and delay, or worse, of government red tape, there’s no reason for those.

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Editorial: Gas shortage shows the need to cut green tape

It’s a pre-Christmas surprise that will add even more stress to families struggling to balance the household budget The independent Australian Energy Market Operator says WA is likely to face a gas shortage next year, pushing prices higher amid an already crushing cost-of-living crisis . And the budget pain won’t only be felt through the household gas bill. The gas shortage will also affect manufacturers and businesses. That means it could cause the cost of just about everything to rise.

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Aaron Morey: Commonwealth green tape is putting productivity in a tangle

The Cook Government’s announcement this week on environmental approval reforms reflects the power of economic leadership. Faced with a growing body of evidence that our environmental approvals regime is harming our capacity to grow and diversify our economy, it took incisive steps to mitigate any potential damage and strengthen WA’s reputation as a place to invest. It’s now time for Canberra to follow suit.

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Environmental approvals for significant projects will be dramatically sped up through a raft of major changes as Premier Roger Cook declares “our system isn’t working” and green tape is strangling WA’s aspirations to become a “clean energy powerhouse”. Proposed legislative amendments will hand the Environment Minister new powers to force faster assessments for proposals of “State significance” while external consultants will be employed to help clear existing backlogs. The Environmental Protection Authority will be required to comply with a Statement of Intent that takes into account the State Government’s “priorities and policies” and the regulator’s board will be bolstered to include members with industry experience.

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Australia will likely need gas for electricity, industry and exports for decades to come and politicians have been warned not to shut down technology options too early, new modelling reveals.“Preparing for only one pathway leaves Australia extremely vulnerable to developments that are outside Australia’s control,” the report says. “Should any energy pathway or technology face challenges in its deployment, it will be critical to have alternative energy sources in the mix to maintain energy security and affordability and to keep emissions reductions efforts on track.”

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