Article – Palmer United Party wants a new state for north Queensland

13 August 2014
Jessica Marszalek
Herald Sun

THE Palmer United Party wants north Queensland to secede and become Australia’s newest independent state.

The latest policy announcement from the party came ahead of Clive Palmer’s meeting with Treasurer Joe Hockey tonight, where the MP confirmed he was looking forward to a “good steak” but refused to reveal his Budget demands until tomorrow.
PUP’s new Queensland leader Carl Judge — who replaced Alex Douglas yesterday after he accused Mr Palmer of running the party for the good of his mates and quit — revealed the “major policy” would be taken into Queensland’s state election.
“North Queensland has the industry and economic viability to be recognised as Australia’s official seventh state and should be able to govern itself through its own representation,” Mr Judge said, who is now PUP’s sole Queensland MP.
He did not nominate where the new border should be drawn, saying Queenslanders should decide.
The Herald Sun understands Mr Palmer would not be raising the controversial plan with Mr Hockey and will instead stick to discussing the “unfair” Budget.
While vowing to continue his opposition to ending the SchoolKids Bonus, low-income support and the low-income superannuation bonus, Mr Palmer would not be drawn on whether he would negotiation on the $7 GP payment or university deregulation.

The Government has suggested it might be moved on both of the issues.
Mr Palmer said the Treasurer needed to either “have a revamp and a mini budget or a double dissolution”.
“What I expect to get out of this meeting is a nice dinner, a good wine, a bit of port and a great dessert. That’s my expectation,” he told ABC Radio.
Mr Hockey has been touring Australia meeting with crossbenchers trying to gain votes for Budget measures for when Parliament resumes at the end of the month.
Courtesy of the Herald Sun