28 October 2014
Luis Narvaez
Daily Mercury
REGIONAL councils expect to play an important role in the development of northern Australia.
Road freight, particularly heavy road freight, will also become increasingly important as the population and quantity of goods demanded increases.
At the 118th annual Local Government Association of Queensland conference in Mackay yesterday, speakers discussed how regional roads were the arteries of future northern development.
LGAQ chief executive officer Greg Hallam said safety was paramount but council delegates at the conference were interested in finding ways to efficiently use their local roads for an expected increase in freight movement.
“The focus, going forward, is going to be on freight movement and the national heavy vehicle freight strategy,” Mr Hallam said. “Councils across the state are always looking to upgrade their local roads.”
Examples of how some councils have bolstered facilities, efficiently spent funds and developed their local areas, were presented at a conference seminar.
A keynote address from former Australian Football League CEO Andrew Demetriou will begin today’s seminars, discussions and presentations.
The conference was officially opened last night.
It is the third time in 10 years Mackay has hosted the conference.
This year’s theme is Going for Growth.
Courtesy of the Daily Mercury