Green hydrogen has gone the way of the Norwegian Blue

If you believe Chris Bowen, green hydrogen in Australia is not dead or deceased or bereft of life. It’s just resting, pining for fields of solar panels and wind turbines.

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Big business calls time on waste and economic folly

The government must get its budget and energy house in order. Big corporations have finally found their voice to hold Labor to account for its wayward obsessions and lack of financial discipline

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Miners’ blast to Treasurer Jim Chalmers: don’t waste our billions

Mining chiefs have accused Jim Chalmers of squandering surpluses they helped deliver and warned the budget will remain in deficit unless spending is reined in and fiscal discipline applied.

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Special Economic Zones: Catalysts For Trade And Economic Development

Masterclasses in business simplicity, designed to cut through bureaucratic red tape and smooth administrative processes

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Woodside Energy: Australia has to sharpen up to win global trade battle, Meg O’Neill warns

Amid rising global protectionism and greater competition for capital, Australia must sharpen its competitive edge even further.

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Chris Bowen slaps down business leaders over fear his 82 per cent green power goal is unrealistic

Chiefs in the infrastructure and energy sectors warn Labor’s 82 per cent green power target is unrealistic and coal-fired power stations must stay open, as the ­Albanese government slapped down business pleas to reconsider its renewables-only strategy and said they would be listening to “experts”.

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Lunch box finances belittle both sides of politics on tax

When it comes to debate about tax matters, our political leaders on both sides keep serving up a stale cheese sandwich when what is needed is a banquet of reform.

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WA turns up heat on Albanese over native title as miners fear the worst for industry future

The resources industry has warned that mining in Western Australia will be devastated unless the Native Title Act is changed quickly.

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Nature Positive Disaster

A secret report has laid bare the potential impact of the Albanese Government’s Nature Positive laws on WA, warning electricity prices and housing costs could rocket.

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Miners to fight new green push

Chamber takes aim at Labor’s plan for nature positive laws.

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