Media Release – Building Northern Territory Transport Infrastructure for the 21st Century

13 May 2014
Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development

The Abbott Government has made a record $593.7 million investment to build the infrastructure of the 21st Century for the Northern Territory.
The funds provided in the 2014–15 Federal Budget are part of the Government’s Economic Action Strategy to build a strong, prosperous economy, boost productivity and create thousands of new jobs.
The Government’s Infrastructure Investment Programme will provide economic benefits for the Northern Territory.
Congestion in our towns and cities costs the economy billions of dollars every year in lost productivity.
Better roads means less congestion, faster travel times and lower fuel costs.
The Abbott Government’s investment in the Northern Territory will also improve freight transport linkages to key domestic and export markets.
Northern Territory projects include:

  • Northern Territory Roads Package: Strengthening and widening of road pavements, flood immunity improvements and fatigue management measures such as upgrading rest areas and intersection improvements.
    • Federal contribution: $77.0 million
  • Regional Roads Productivity Package: Upgrade of six regional roads to improve flood immunity, safety and reliability for communities. The upgrades are to the Roper and Buntine Highways and Port Keats, Arnhem Link, Central Arnhem and Santa Teresa Roads.
    • Federal contribution: $90.0 million
  • Tiger Brennan Drive Duplication (Darwin CBD to Berrimah Road): Duplication of Tiger Brennan Drive from Berrimah Road to Darwin CBD to improve safety and efficiency and reduce congestion for commuters.
    • Federal contribution: $70.0 million

$6.6 billion of new investment across Australia is being fast-tracked in the Budget to build much-needed economic infrastructure. It includes $90.5 million for the Northern Territory.
Funding will also continue over the next six years for road maintenance, with $2.5 billionfor Roads to Recovery and $565 million for Black Spot projects, in addition to our new$300 million Bridges Renewal Programme.
The funds for the Northern Territory are part of the Government’s $50 billion infrastructure plan in the 2014–15 Budget.
The new Infrastructure Investment Programme will deliver $40.8 billion between 2013–14 and 2018–19, with a further commitment of $4.5 billion budgeted for 2019–20 onwards.
Despite the Budget mess left by Labor, the Abbott Government is embarking on a significant platform of projects to drive economic growth, slash travel times in our major cities and create thousands of jobs for a more productive future.

Northern Territory—Key Projects

Key projects listed below do not include road maintenance funding, Black Spot Projects, Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme, Roads to Recovery or Untied Local Grants.

Katherine Heavy Vehicle Bypass

  • Upgrade of two intersections along Bicentennial Road, and planning works for future sections of a heavy vehicle bypass of Katherine.
10.0 Katherine
National Highways Strengthening and Widening

  • Pavement strengthening and widening works on the Stuart, Victoria and Barkly Highways.
10.9 Various Stuart, Barkly and Victoria highways
Network Infrastructure Road Safety Initiatives Including Fatigue Management

  • Upgrade and construction of parking bays, rest areas and intersection improvements, and implementing new localised by-passes and access management to and off the highways.
6.2 Various Stuart, Barkly and Victoria highways
Overtaking Opportunities—Stuart Highway between Katherine and Darwin

  • Construction of new overtaking lanes between Katherine and Darwin.
1.4 Katherine to Darwin
Rail Overpass South of Alice Springs

  • Construction of a road over rail overpass at the road/rail crossing 12 kilometres south of Alice Springs, on the Stuart Highway.
13.0 Alice Springs
Upgrade of the Central Arnhem Road

  • Strengthening and widening of pavement and bridges at the Mainoru, Goyder and Donydji River crossings.
7.7 Various Central Arnhem Road
Flood Immunity Works on the Stuart and Victoria Highways

  • Raising of sections of highway, culvert and drainage works to improve immunity at flood prone locations.
8.1 Various Stuart and Victoria highways
Northern Territory Roads Productivity Package

  • Various Upgrades and construction for Arnhem Link Road, Buntine Highway, Central Arnhem Road, Port Keats Road, Roper Highway and Santa Teresa Road
90.0 Various Regional Roads
Tiger Brennan Drive Widening

  • The duplication of approximately 11.6 kilometres of Tiger Brennan Drive from Darwin CBD to Berrimah Road and upgrades to six intersections.
70.0 Darwin
Northern Territory Roads Package

  • Strengthening and widening of road pavements, flood immunity improvements and fatigue management measures such as upgrading rest areas and intersection improvements.
77.0 Various Stuart, Barkly and Victoria highways


Courtesy of the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development

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