March 2014
Yi Ming Hu and Julie Toth
The Australian Industry Group
Australian businesses face regulatory burdens that are far too high. They are growing and, because our regulatory burdens are heavier than in other countries, they place us at a competitive disadvantage.
Ai Group’s research and consultations with Australian business indicate that the burden of government regulation has been rising for some time. It has become an increasingly prominent issue over the past two to three years, including in our own surveys and reports and in the anual World Economic Forum reports on global competitiveness, for which Ai Group is the official Australian research partner organisation.
Australian governments at all levels – federal, state and local – impose regulations on business activities and processes. The Productivity Commission recently estimated that there are about 130 national government regulatory agencies in Australia, with another 350 operating in state and territory jurisdictions and a further 560 within local councils.
To read the full report, click: Burden_of_Government_Regulation_Mar_2014
Courtesy of The Australian Industry Group