Speech by Mrs Gina Rinehart to the Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PGA) 2017 Convention

27 September 2017 Hancock Prospecting

Good morning pastoralists and graziers, friends.
Thank you very much for inviting me to speak at your convention, “pathways to prosperity.”

My family has had a very long association with the Pastoralist and Graziers Association, and a long history in the pastoral industry, dating back to the northwest when our family on my father’s side was amongst the first settlers in the second half of the 1800s and its first pastoralists. And on my mother’s side, her father James Nicholas, both separately and including in association with his long term friend and another remarkable Australian, Sir Sydney Kidman, also had a long tradition of pastoral interests.

It is a very special honour for me to now address pastoralists and graziers and the PGA at your convention. Thank you.

To read the full transcript of this speech, please click Speech by Mrs Gina Rinehart to the Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PGA) 2017 Convention

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