14 August 2014
Minerals Council of Australia – NT Division
This submission to the Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia provides some background to the minerals industry in the Northern Territory (NT). It then addresses the specific themes of the Green Paper and finishes with the Northern Territory minerals industry high level policy priorities. The submission does not seek to assess all items in the scope of the Green Paper, but focuses on the important role that the mining industry will play in the Developing of the North and specifically the Northern Territory.
The submission is made by the Minerals Council of Australia Northern Territory Division (MCA NT) with a particular focus on issues and recommendations as they relate to the minerals industry in the NT. It sits alongside the submissions made by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) to both the Parliamentary Inquiry and the Green Paper. We are pleased to make the following submission on the Developing Northern Australia – Green Paper.
The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) is the peak industry association that represents the corporate minerals companies in Australia. The members of the MCA are engaged in mineral processing, mining, exploration, or the provision of services to the industry and account for more than 85 percent of mineral industry output in Australia. The MCA’s strategic objective is to advocate public policy and operational practice for a world-class industry that is safe, profitable, innovative, environmentally responsible and attuned to community needs and expectations.
The Northern Territory Division of the MCA represents the interests of members operating, exploring and providing services to the industry in the Northern Territory (NT). The minerals industry has a large and diverse presence across the NT which comprises of 20% Northern Territory’s gross state product and employs 4,400 people. The NT has mining operations for a range of mineral commodities including manganese, iron ore, lead, silver, zinc, gold, bauxite and uranium.
To read the complete submission, click the link: Minerals_Council_of_Australia_NT_Division_Developing_Northern_Australia_Green_Paper_Response.
Courtesy of the Minerals Council of Australia – NT Division