World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

23 July 2024.

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Economic storm clouds warrant a policy rethink

Too many aspects of economic policy, unfortunately, are heading in the wrong direction. The government should look at foundations set in the Hawke-Keating and Howard years and attend to basics, optimising conditions to encourage private sector investment, profit, employment, productivity gains and growth. Policies that limit the footprint of government by reducing regulation, holding down company tax and payroll tax at state levels, and giving employers and workers greater autonomy to negotiate work practices, pay and benefits to suit their industries would be a basis for reviving growth.

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Call to reform Mabo’s $1bn native title dividend

Native title groups hosting Australia’s iron ore industry are holding more than $1 billion of net assets in trusts, but after 30 years of the native title regime, there is little to show for the vast majority of Indigenous Australians.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

9 February 2024.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

25 January 2024.

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Incentives in Malaysia’s Special Economic Zones: A Guide for Businesses

Special economic zones (SEZs) in Malaysia provide fiscal incentives and tax relief, sector-specific perks, and strong infrastructure. We list the available incentives for businesses in the country’s respective SEZs.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

4 January 2024.

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Australia’s clean energy future being stalled by government opposition to nuclear

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has declared that the nation’s net zero future is being held back by a government failure to see nuclear energy as a key solution to reducing emissions. “We need all energy options on the table, to ease the burden on heavy industry and manufacturers, and ensure they maintain their international competitiveness,” Ms Constable said in releasing the MCA’s “Nuclear: Decarbonising Australia’s Industrial Heat Sector” report.

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13 November 2023.

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World Free Zones Organization | Latest News

4 October 2023.

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